Page name: arianova rp page 8 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-13 01:09:40
Last author: Lady_Elowyn
Owner: Lady_Elowyn
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Jalen turned with a sad smile to the slowly waning festivities. The band had stopped, and though everyone was smiling still and some laughing a little, everyone was beginning to move away. "Tonight is over, Lera. You should rest. Tomorrow is a new day, and it simply can't rain all the time." He gave her an encouraging smile.

Lerayel nodded, smiling softly back. "Goodnight, Jalen," she said as she turned to return to her own tent. She arrived there and lay on her cot, staring at the ceiling, until sleep took her. Her heart as well as her body had healed during that dance. She felt at peace about Chris.

Aerion sat, and began to whittle. What would she make? She decided, and smiled softly as she began to carve.

Makaan finished compiling the report on the incident with the damned pasifists, but he made sure that he swooped in and saved the day, but in a subtle way. He looked out into the camp while men and women alike prepared for war on these poor sods. This is going to be fun I can feel it.

Luna stayed in her tent the rest of the time & lost stared at the roof of her tent never saying anything, nor making a sound she only lay there thinking to herself.

As both camps fell into their peaceful slumber and the vigilant guards of both took their nightly posts, the universe spun its web of trickery and Fate set her plan into motion... The war was soon to begin...

The next day greeted the camps with a dreary rain, the kind that felt like a light, but wet sheet. You could see through it, but there was little sun, thus the day was as night.

Jalen came out of his tent and stretched, growling softly at the rain before ducking back inside for clothes and walked off into the woods to find the stream.

Lerayel woke to the patter of rain on her tent. She got up and dressed, then stepped outside with her face upturned. The rain felt good on her face; it woke her up. She remembered what Jalen had said last night: it simply can't rain all the time. Wasn't that ironic. She didn't mind though. Training would take place as always, and she had some things to do. She realized they needed to be moving on soon. She never stayed in one placed longer than two weeks, and it had nearly been that long.

Aerion had been awake from quiet some time, though the sound of rain made her more drousy. But too much was on her mind, making it impossible for her to sleep. She slowly left her tent, deciding to head out into the woods. A walk would help to clear her thoughts.

Luna hadn't slept at all that night, she had decided to get up & walk out to the pratic grounds. Her shoulder had finaly healed & she was ready to get it back the way it was, she figured some streaches as well as solitary praticing would do nicely. The pratic grounds where compleetly empty at the moment & she knew that if she wanted it to stay that way for a while she would have to begin now, she pulled her sword slowly moving her arm around with her sword in hand. It was like she was doing a dance, she was graceful with any weapon & even more graceful with a sword or a staff her favored weapons including a bow. She continued her little dance like moved streaching her arm out & working out all the kinks, her arm was slowly feeling better little by little.

Jalen, upon finding the stream, unabashedly removed his old clothing and stepped into the water without the slightest hint of discomfort. Once up to his waist, just below his belly button, he used the rain like a shower and the stream like a bath and proceeded to cleanse himself, thinking of Aerion and his situation.

As Aerion walked, she could hear the sound of a stream...and a person. She stopped, and was hesitant at first. Who was it? She peaked from behind a tree, and sighed softly. Jalen. Nothing to worry about. She began walking in the opposite direction, deciding to give him some alone time.

"I didn't figure you for the shy type," Jalen called to her over the gentle splashing of the misty rain on stream water. He smiled as he tilted his head back to the cloud tears and inhaled deeply, reveling in Aerion's scent.

Aerion turned around, and began heading towards him. "I just thought that you wanted to be alone," She said, sitting crosslegged at the water's edge.

Jalen shook his head. "Nigh," he said, turning to her. He was covered from the waist down, so he didn't worry about offending her (not that it mattered if he wasn't, things being as they were). "I always enjoy good company." He smiled gently. "You don't have to stay, but don't go on my account. I prefer company to solitary, but I also prefer my friends to be free, than forced."

Aerion was quiet for a moment, before she said softly, "I used to think I could only live alone...but I've come to's nearly impossible." She paused again, shaking her head. "And you wouldn't be forcing me." She closed her eyes, looking up into the rain, a small smile forming on her face.

"Being alone is aweful lonely," the werewolf replied as he lowered himself into the water up to his neck so his shoulders barely peeked out but still kept his calm eyes on her. "I much prefer company." He grinned. "But perhaps that is just my canine nature. Man's best friend and all that..."

Aerion lowered her face, before saying slowly, "And you're going to have a lot of company."

Jalen frowned a little. "A lot?"

Aerion sighed. "I'm..I'm certain now." She murmured.

"Oh," Jalen said simply and shook his hair (though it did little good in the rain) before coming out of the water and dressing in his clean but now wet clothing. He sat by Aerion. "Are you uphappy, Aer?"

Aerion shrugged. "I'm nervous, Jalen." She said. "This isn't a good time to raise a child."

"It will be safe with us," Jalen comforted. "There is no need to be nervous. I am.. sorry.. however.. that I have done this to you... I know you don't want it..." He looked at the ground between his knees.

Aerion leaned sideways, her head resting on his shoulder. "What's done is done. We can't change the past. Only look on to the future." She said softly.

"I.. I will care for it.. If you wish," Jalen offered, still never moving his gaze but unbothered by her touch. "After the baby has come.. I will care for it if you don't wish to..."

"this is...a joint deal. It's our responsibility-equally." Aerion said. "besides..I'm beginning to think that after carrying it for nine months..that I could never let it go." She still spoke softly, as if trying to be careful of her words.

"Aer," Jalen's voice was soft and slightly surprised as he turned his bemused face to her head. "A child isn't just a responsibility, a job. Mistake or not, that is a creation of love that you carry now, at least for me it is. I told you, it wasn't just instinct and that it isn't a total accident. I'm glad you will be my offspring's mother. I couldn't ask for a kinder and yet stronger maternal parent. I'm sorry it came to be the way it did and when, but I don't regret it because it's you that it has been done with. You are a wonderful woman, Aerion, and raising a child with you would make me very happy, I just offered in case you didn't wish to help me in my endeavor to raise him or her."

Aerion smiled. "I may not look like somone who would like children..But I've always wanted at least one child," She said.

"And now that it's time?"

"I guess so. It's not like we have a choice in the matter."

After a slight pause, Jalen sighed softly and gently stood up so as to not disturb her. He turned and started back for camp.

Aerion turned. "Did I say something to upset you?" She asked, hearing his sigh. She certainly didn't want to make him angry.

"Of course not," Jalen said kindly that said he was smiling sadly. He paused only slightly when he spoke, but continued on his way after he had said it.

Aerion sighed. 'Something is upsetting it something I said? Did? I never was good at talking..I've done so little of it,' She thought, then she murmured aloud, "What have I gotten myself into?"

Back at camp Jalen entered his tent and put on dry comfortable cloth pants and a front button shirt up to the collar to match before sitting indian style on his cot. He pulled out a small note pad, ink, and a feather quill and wrote to the sound of the gentle rain on his tent.

Aerion sat, the sound of rain putting a stop to her thinking. She looked odd, a girl sitting out there in the rain. But she didn't really care at trhe moment.

Makaan awoke in his finely designed tent, its bright colours a stark contrast to the regular Tents spotted around the camp. As he awoke, a magicly linked thrall came to him, instantly awaking as Makaan did. "Master I'll brew your tea and prepare your workstation for another night of progress." The Thrall said, handing Makaan his staff as he got up. "Don't be a fool Thrall! Today I must prepare for battle! The Changer Of Ways has given me Clairvoyance of what will happen if I do not act acordingly in this war and I won't let the little brat of a second get in my way, though I do have some use for her." Makaan sniggered after he spoke to his thrall, before continuing. "Get her at once! I don't care if she is still asleep! I need her hear now!"

With a wimpering Squeek, the thrall ran out the tent and headed straight for Siara Re'ailreon tent, barging his way in and screaming at the top of his lungs. "Oh honourable Second! Makaan has requested your audiance! He requires your wonderous insight into something of Dire need!"

Hana, standing at a cauldron somewhere between the middle of the camp where the bonfire was and the edge of the camp site, watched the thrall run back with bored interest. Already this camp seemed dead to her, but the rush people put on things made up for it. She could learn to deal. With a resigned sigh she returned her attention to the rejuvination potion she was stirring.

Siara growled, throwing a smaller dagger out the tent, flashing past the thrall. "I don't care if he's dying. I don't tend to his every beck and call." She growled out.

Hana laughed softly. That girl she could learn to like.

After praticing Luna had noticed that no one had wanted to pratic in the rain that day save for herself, as she walked back to her tent she had walekd past Jalen's tent & stood there for a while listening to the soft scratching of his quill against paper. She sighed softly then shook her head knowing that it was a lost cause now to even try, she headed towards her tent yet couldn't bare to step inside & slid down to the ground just sitting in the rain. She was compleetly soaked yet didn't care, she had no reason to care for the moment & as she looked down at her hands she letting ehr eyes trace over a few scars. She simply thought to herself & then hung her head sighing once again, her eyes closing as she let the rain continue to fall on her.

After a while, Aerion stood, and began to head back to her tent. She'd continue her whittling. It would perhaps help to calm her nerves.She saw Luna as she began to near her own tent.

Luna heard footsteps walking past, but she never looked up to see who it was & instead stood then headed back to the pratic grounds. She passed Jalen's tent again & stopped once more to only listen, then walked on sighing as she headed to her destination.

Aerion smiled as she entered her own tent. She changed into a loose fitting, dry, and warm outfit to wear. She curled up in a blanket a she took out her knife and piece of wood.

"You didn't stop to see me," Jalen's gentle voice stole over Luna. He had exited his tent and followed her silently when she passed the second time, wondering why she had stopped twice and yet not entered. He sounded almost sad, but there was a kind smile on his face, and in true relaxed Jalen fashion, he had not changed out of the relaxed japanese style pajama's he had changed into and remained barefoot.

Luna stopped then kept ehr back to him as she said to him," You where writing, i could hear your quill on paper & i didn't want to bother you. Something about you at the moment seams alittle sad, as if something is bothering you & i can feel teh slight change compared to the normal happy you. It seams that we are both alittle sad right now, though about dffirent things & i know that you will be happy again some time soon. You can't stay sad for to long Jalen your to happy a person to stay sad for long, what ever bothers you can't be as bad as it seams & you should be happy about it instead of sad. Think about the good parts to it instead & not hte sad ones, it will fad in time." She lowered her head some & then started to walk on again, she couldn't explain her problems to someone who had their own to deal with.

"Don't be so self-destructive," Jalen lightly chastised and deftly caught up with her, matching her pace. "You know plain well that I am unimportant in my own eyes and that I care. Now, what's wrong?" He spoke honestly and with a voice that made puppies go quiet and humans confide in him. He was naturally this way and couldn't help his loyalty... 'problem'.

Luna stopped then looked at him & said softly," It's just that i feel so lonely without him now & i know i won't find anyone else, besides who knows if he even truly did like me or not. I jsut don't know what to do, i mena save for Lerayel, i have been alone almost all my life & only you as well as Lerayel have been there as friends to me. Yes i want to something more, i want to feel the safty of someones arsm around me & to feel their lips against mine yet i can't. There is no one to do that with now & i feel alittle lost because of it, i feel scared to know i might not have that chance again." She then looked to the ground away from Jalen & sighed alittle, her eyes closing.
Jalen averted his eyes and looked at the ground about two feet from his bare feet. "I know how he felt..." he said hesitantly. His eyes shot up to her, hurriedly following his statement so it didn't attract too much attention. "You'll find someone Luna, you just have to look up! Depression is very unbecoming." He smiled slightly at her but it faded quickly. "You didn't really trust him anyway.. did you?" He wanted her to confirm it before he knew where to go.

Luna stopped tehn looked at Jalen before saying softly," I did trust him, but i didn't trust him i mena i barly knew him & i didn't really get the chance to truly know him either. Had i known him better, maybe then i could have told you if i either did or didn't & i'm not depressed really just lonly more so than anything. It will fade in time though & when it does maybe then i can find waht i search for, but for now i just have to wait. " She stared into Jalens eyes for a moment & then looked away, her thoughts getting her again but not as much as the first time.

There was a lone whine before a fine brown timber wolf walked passed Luna and dissappeared into the woods. Jalen was no where to be seen.

Luna sighed then disappeared into a tree just around the outer skirts of the camp, her closed her eyes letting the rain still fall cold on her & her arms where around ehr one knee as she other dangled from the branch.

The thrall slunk off, but before he left, he snapped back at her. "Well its your loss! Makaan can't help that he's a genious." He then went running back to Makaans elaborate tent. "Sir she won't come. The lazy bitch won't move her fat arse!"

Makaan looked up from an artefact in his hand, growling. "You must learn that name calling are for fools. I should have you turned into a mindless beast for such stupidity." The thrall slunk into a dark corner of Makaan's tent after being scowled. Makaan took the exquisite flute he was looking over and left his tent. His eyes scanned the camp and finding the smell of the cauldron he couldn't help but move head in that direction. "Oh good day Hana. What are you conjuring today?"

Hana looked at him with a raised eyebrow as if questioning why he spoke to her. She held no interest in him. All the same, she answered. "A rejuvination potion, for fighters after battles," she said, her eyes returned to the light blue concoction. "After practice in the mud, everyone will need a thimble of it at least to complete the rest of today's chores that are necessary to keep this place up and running. Perhaps..." She figured she should try to make friends with the spell caster. He could, after all, kill her. "You could help me with something?" She looked up with innocent hope, her face still calm and mature. She knew what she was doing, she wasn't incompetant, but that didn't mean she didn't have flaws.

Makaan looked into the blue liquid as well, listening to her speak. "Oh? And how can I help you dear? I am not usually one for mixing potions."

"This potion," Hana said, choosing to ignore the 'dear' comment and looking at it with a thoughtful expression. "Has a bit of a backlash problem. It will rejuvinate the user fine, but in the end it wearies you, so I guess you could say it gives you energy in exchange for the energy when you have it. If I could just correct that, it would be perfect.... Do you have any ideas?" She looked up at him again, her eyes questioning.

Siara sat on her tent, continuing what she was doing before. Slowly, she sharpened her dagger. Her thoughs weren't with her at the moment.

Makaan smiled, eyeing Siara's tent a little before answering. "Maybe teaching our soldiers not to get hurt? Well it seems that this Rejuvenation potion is rather poisonous. Maybe trying to change the adverse affect to something less severe? Mutations is sometimes useful."

Hana watched the swirling contents of the cauldren pensively. "Hmm..." she wondered aloud. "Perhaps I could.." She let her thought hang in the air as she suddenly turned to a pouch on the ground, grabbed a small packet, dropped the powdered contents into the pot, then picked up two small viles and dumped the liquids in before continueing stirring. "Oh, uh, thanks for the suggestion," she forced out as she was already beginning to be distracted and was starting to ignore him.

Siara snuck out, deciding to practice in the woods.


Aerion had gotten rather round. It was close to the date. She was dreading, yet hoping the day. She was frightened that something would go wrong..or that because of the situtation, that she wouldn't be able to love her baby.

"How are you two lovely ladies today?" Jalen said with a gentle smile as he came up to Aerion. Without more, he enveloped her in a gentle hug then smiled at her stomach, rubbing it a little.

"How do you know that it's a girl?" Aerion asked, looking down at her stomach.

Jalen's smile fell and he looked at her as if he was afraid he had done something wrong. "Isn't it obvious?"

Aerion tried to smile. "I guess it is obvious," She murmured, looking off to the side abit. She felt accoward around him.

"Is something wrong, my zephyr?" Jalen asked as he took her chin gently with a finger so that his soft, concerned eyes could meet hers.

Aerion shook her head. "'s...alright."

Makaan took a deep breathe in the camp, things had been going well for him, he had came up with a few breakthroughs in his research and the preperations for the war which was so close now had brought new thralls under his wings, wanting to learn the magical knowledge which Makaan could offer them. He went to Siara's tent, looking for her. "Oh Siara? You in here dear?"

Of course, she wasn't. She was out practicing, as usual. Chris' last words to her in the forest rang thru her head, as usual.

Hana was walking by Siara's practicing with a basket of fresh herbs when she looked off at camp and sighed, hearing Makaan's words. She looked over at Siara with an annoyed and yet submised face. "Why does he stalk you so?"

Siara sighed, and stopped her practicing to look at Hana. "I haven't the foggiest."

Hana gave the other girl a once over then looked back toward camp, to Makaan. "He's out of his league or his mind, I haven't decided yet. Perhaps he is attracted to power? His abilities speak volumes for that theory and further more, that would explains why he persues you." She looked back at Siara. "You are second in command, correct? And I've noticed you are a well trained fighter. He could go after Orchid, but why bother? She's not the kind of challenge you are." She grinned and laughed softly.

Luna had walekd around the capm doing everything she could work wise, she had noticed Aerion & Jalen spending more time togeather as well as the fact that they must have decided to start a family togeather. She just shook her head & stayed to herself, she didn't speak much unless spoken to. Though she was happy for everyone, she felt lonly still & she tried ehr best to keep smiling when she was around others.

Makaan frowned when he couldn't find Siara, looking towards the training grounds he caught a glimse of her and grinned, seeing the alchemist with her. He took his time coming to them, keeping a grin on his face as he pulled his ornate helm off. "Oh dear glad that I found you. I have some business refering to the campaign. I need your artistic methods of getting into places you arn't supose to be?" He winked at Hana with his multi-hued eyes.

Hana's eyes narrowed in a 'you've got to be kidding me' way and she looked at Siara. "Mind," she said decidedly and with a wave to them both, she headed back toward camp.

Before Hana got a chance to move off, Makaan took her arm and smiled. "Oh dear please wait. I have something to ask of you which would be deserving of your experties and you may get something out of it." He smiled at her reasuringly.

"Oh please, master Makaan," Hana said, her voice dripping with sarcasm in a drole excited tone as she rolled her eyes. "Do tell me how I may be of assistance to you." She did pause, however, and moved her eyes on him with a patient and pleasant look.

Makaan first frowned at her crass tone but smiled after he let it sink in. "Oh dear you don't need to act with me. I may have a concoction within one of my dusty old tombs and I have recently came across something which may intrest you. How about we do a little trade? I give you what I have for you and you go about recreating this old potion." He then relised he was still holding onto the girls arm, letting go of her and glancing to Siara.

Hana thought a moment, ignoring his jumpiness. "Depends," she said finally and looked at him. "What's it for?"

He smiled at her perked intrest, "I don't know, maybe quite powerful." He especially waited for her reaction, he didn't know much about alchemy but he knew Daemon Icor was well saught for by witches and even other Tzeentchian champions such as himself.

"Wait," Hana said, raising an eyebrow at him. "So you want me to make something that you don't even recognize? Do you realize how dangerous that could be?!" Her eyes had widened slightly and she sounded a little chastising.

Siara gave Maakan a cold look before saying, "I'll leave you two to" She brushed pasted Maakan, heading for her tent.

Makaan laughed, a big grin on his face. "I know. Isn't it exciting though. In return I can give you some Daemon's Blood. Powerful stuff if mixed into the right concoction." He looked to Siara before she left. "Oh can you break into the enemies main religious construct and steal one of their holy tombs?"

Siara almost growled. "I do nothing for you," She replied. "You can get it yourself. I hae more imoprtant things to attent to." At the moment, she was thinking of speaking to Orchid about Maakan. He was getting under her skin.

Frowning at her, Makaan tried bating her. "Oh well, its your loss. I thought it would have been a nice challenge for you but I supose if you are not up to the task..." He then looked back to Hana. "So what do you say?"

Siara seemed to ignore his last comment as she walked away, her hands clasped behind her back.

Hana nodded finally. "I'll have a look at it. I may know it even if you don't." She gave him a pointed look, then looked off after Siara. "If I decide it's dangerous, I won't do it. If I do make it, I'll expect that Daemon's Blood, amount subject to potion, in return." Her expression turned thoughtful. "Why do you speak to her almost as if you outrank her?" she half-asked Makaan without looking at him.

He looked back to Siara, then to back to Hana. "Oh, I never noticed. I thought I treated her as if she was my equal."

"That's just it," Hana said, meeting his eyes steadily. "She's not." She paused, then digressed. "I'll expect that potion by this evening if you want there to be any chance of it being made." And with that, she turned and walked back to her tent to put away her herbs.

Aerion shook her head. "'s...alright."

Jalen released her chin but still regarded her carefully. "You aren't worried, are you? With your birthing date soon to come? Or.. at all, really? Because if something's bothering you, you can tell me. You know that right?" He looked at her earnestly.

Could she tell him? How would they raise their child, whenthey truelly didn't love eachother? She might give in that she loved him..but did he care for her back? "I'm nervous, that's all." She said. "It's perfectly normal I believe."

Jalen nodded sympathetically. "Emotion does tend to run like a clear river in spring nearing the end of pregnancy... How are you, Aer? Are you sure you're allright?" He kept his puppy eyes on her. He was fond of Aerion. She was a strong woman, pretty, smart, and all around a good friend of his. He hadn't meant to.. well.. do this to her, but he trusted her as well, and she had said not to feel bad. What was it that troubled her so with him?

"I'm fi-" was all Aerion managed before her face contorted to pain and a hand went to her abdomen. The feeling passed quickly, though, and she relaxed with a slow exhale.

Jalen's eyes had widened and he prepared himself to run now. "Is it- is it ti- Aerion, is it? The baby- it's com- it's coming???" He was frantic.

"No.. No, I'm allright. False a-" Aerion winced again and, with gritted teeth, she reluctantly looked up at him with pleading eyes and hissed out. "It's time."

Jalen nodded and, without further thought, lifted Aerion behind the back and knees and dashed to her tent, all the while calling for medics and Lerayel. He ducked inside the moment he reach the tent and laid Aerion on her bed. He held her hand and coached her with the beginning breaths, calling for Lerayel or help in between calming words to the very-soon-to-be-mother of his child. Soon, someone ducked in and was emediately sent to find any medic and Lerayel, then Jalen returned to helping Aer until his friend and/or other liable help arrived. He was doing his best to keep her as relaxed as possible. (Which isn't very relaxed when one is about to give birth.)

Luna's ears pearked hearing Jalen's calls, she stood & dashed off heading towards shere she heard him calling & as she stopped she saw running from Aerion's tent. She stepped in then said lightly," Whtas wrong Jalen, i heard your calls & you might need me. I'm the only medic around right now, tell me whats wrong & i will do what i can. " She tilted her head to the side & then waited for instruction.

"Luna!" Jalen cried, his perfect smile shining through and directed right at her. "I'd be more hospitable but-OW!" Aerion had squeezed his hand in a contraction and he continued, though more strained, once she lessened the pressure, "The baby's coming!" he finished, still smiling.

Luna nodded then said lightly to him," Alright i need you to get me a few things, i will stay ehre untilly ou return & all i need in my medical bag. I also need some warm towels & warm water, hurry as fast as you can. " She then nodded to him & took Aerion's hand from him holding in lightly yet asuringly, then waited for him to get what she had asked for.

Jalen just nodded, murmured some comforting words to Aerion, then he was gone in a flash.

Aerion mumbled some words, as she opened her eyes (her eyes had been closed until she opened them).

Luna said softly," He will be back soon Aerion, just stay as calm as you can ok & your doing good so far. " She tried to comfort her, but was unsure if she was & stayed calm herself.

"It's a little hard to stay calm at a time like this!" Aerion growled, sending a glare at Luna.

Luna looked at her then said lightly," I know it's hard, but take out your hanger on my hand if you like & do what you like to me i don't care. Just do what ever makes you feel alittle better." She smiled lightly & tried ehr best to keep the mood light.

Aerion gritted her teeth, squeezing her eyes tight once more. She had known that it would hurt, though she hadn't expected it to be this bad.

Lerayel finally heard that Jalen wanted her as she walked back into the camp. She had been scouting, making sure the way was clear. She had planned on moving camp soon. But as soon as she heard of Jalen's call, she forgot all about that. She entered the tent where Aerion lay in a flash. "Is everything alright?" she asked quickly and quietly, eyes flickering over the scene rapidly.

Luna said softly," She is doing ok Lerayel, but can you make sure that Jalen gets everything i asked him to get & make sure he is calm as well. I can handel things here untill he gets back with my things, he was headed to my tent & he isn't back yet. " She then nodded to Lerayel & smiled lgihtly, then checked Aerion & saw that she was jsut about ready.

At this time there was a call from outside. "Hello! Hey! I have the cloth, bag, and the water is.. warming as we speak," Jalen called in, talking about a cauldren outside. He didn't know how else to do it.

Luna then called back," Thank you Jalen, bring my back in & the cloth as well. Also remember just warm water, not hot ok & your a big help." She then waited calmly for him to step in & then checked Aerion again seeing that she was almost fully dilated.

Aerion swore under her breath, trying tokeep calm under all the pain she was in.

Jalen walked in a moment later, towels and bag on top balanced with one arm, a basin of water in the other.

"Jalen?" Aerion muttered, somewhat surprised to see him there.

Jalen put the things down by Luna before quickly moving to Aerion's side and stroking her hair calmingly. "Yes, I'm here Aer, unless you don't want me to be.. I could leave.. but if you need me, I'm here, right here..."

Aerion grabbed his free hand. "Please stay.." She whispered, closing her eyes tight once again in pain.

Jalen gripped her hand in response comfortingly. "Of course, Aer, of course. I'll stay, just stay strong... It'll be over soon, I promise..."

"I hope so.." Aerion grumbled in reply, though it wa shard to hear because she was gritting her teeth.

Lerayel stood nearby anxiously. She was excited for Aerion, but also concerned. She knew of the danger pregnancy could present. "Is there anything for me to do?" she wasn't much of a midwife, but she couldn't just stand there. This was her best friend's baby being born!

Luna then sid softly to Lerayel," Just hand me things as i ask for them, that would be a big help Lerayel & it's time she is fully dilated now. Aerion i want to to do everything i ask of you ok, so what i need you to do how is push with all you might & then stop when i ak alright." She then waited for Aerion to push, she ws waiting petiently & knew that things would go smoothly, so long as she stayed atleast as clm as she was now.

Makaan gave a low growl when Hana left him, not too pleased with her last coment. "I'll be above you all in no time at all. But first I need to do some homework." With that, 4 of his new thralls came running to meet him, carrying his staff and sword. "We are ready to storm the monestary master. Our magic is ready at your command."

Makaan smiled as he grabbed the staff and placed the sword in its sheeth. "Come then. Its not far and traveling through the Realms of Chaos will shorten the adventure." With that he slamed the staff into the ground and a swirling mass of warp energy opened in front of him. The energy warped the training dumbies out of porportion as the material which made them came alive and began to riggle and mutat. He placed his helm back on his head, the the 5 of them entered the portal. Once inside the portal closed behind them, leaving ruin and devistation in the training fields.

Hana sensed the magic from her tent and frowned in its direction, though she couldn't see it. Makaan's off to practically commit genocide and no one bothers to stop him... I'm sure he'll come back without so much as a scratch, I just hope this doesn't come back on us.... She frowned a moment longer before returning to putting things away.

Within an hour of his travel. He arrived a mile out of sight of the Monestery, his gaggle of Thralls huddled close to him. "these Monks should be easy picks. When we get within the building, we kill them without remorse. The dark gods will it. Then we will claim their holy books and studie them. No quicker way to the enemies heart than to find out what drives their faith." He then began to walk as the thralls grasped long, wicked blades in their hands.

~~~After the new child has reach this world...~~~

"What should we call her?" Jalen asked as he smiled gently at the small child in Aerion's arms.

Aerion gave a smile, something she didn't often do. "Can you think of any names?" She asked Jalen, looking up at him.

"I like Thera," Jalen said quietly.

"It's a beautiful name," Aerion said, placing her finger lightly on the baby's chest. Thera's tinyhand grabbed onto it, and Aerion smiled. "She's so perfect," She whispered.

Luna had gathered her things after cleaning up & then left then both alone, she headed back to her tent as she sat down on her cot then stared at the ground. Jalen had a family to think of now & Lerayel had been so busy around the camp, that Luna had almost felt like a gost to everyone. She shrugged then just thought to herself & sighed lightly unsure of what to do for the day now, she just wanted something good to happen that she could look forward to.

Makaan gripped the last monk around the collar, looking into the eyes of the bloodied faced monk. "You know, religion is what people make of it. I warship an actual being, the one who washes this world in the powers of magic and he is a dark and fickle lord." With that the paniced monk screamed as he cought alight in a shimmering torent of flame.

Makaan grinned as the corpses of the monks were piled within the main hall and their bible was brought forth by a thrall. Makaan nodded, then used his dark magic to set the body pile alight with fantastic blue flames. "Their souls are burned and the pacifists will be able to see this fire from miles around."

Makaan gripped his staff as the fire burned, a little agitated that the mystical smoke hadn't attracted any of the pacifists to it. He turned, almost snarling at one of his thralls as they painted dark runes and symbols on the walls and floors in blue, red, green and yellow inks. "There is no point in doing such a display if no one will be alive to witness it." He then pointed his staff towards the roof of the building, and with a little utterance, he blew a large hole in it, making sure that most of the smoke got out. "Lets see how this progresses."

"Just like her mother," Jalen said quietly and stroked Aerion's hair. He paused suddenly and sniffed the air, then said to Aerion softly but seriously. "I will return, Aer. Rest now, I must see Lerayel..." He kissed the top of her head before stepping out of the tent to find Lerayel. He smelled smoke, and it wasn't from a normal fire.

Aerion worridly wastched him go. She sighed softly, beforelooking back down at her daughter. Stay safe, she thought.

Lerayel was nearby, obviously waiting to hear news of the child. But something caught her attention. A scent, not natural to her own group, but one she had smelt much too often. She waited a few more moments, but knew she had little time. At last, Jalen appeared. She walked swiftly over to him. "Is the child well?" she asked hurredly, but gestured for him to follow. She was headed toward the nearest village, called Castillen.

Jalen followed, knowing she already knew of the fire. With a small smile, he said, "She's as healthy and perfect as anyone could ask. She'll be strong and intelligent, just like her mother and you are, Lerayel." Then his smile faded and he looked foreward as they moved. "You smell the fire too, don't you?" he asked rhetorically.

Luna stood then wlaked from her tent & tilted her head to the side, she to could smell the smoke, she then ran off heading for Lerayel. As soon as she saw them she said lightly," Something isn't right, i smell smoke in the distance & it could only mean one thing. " She then turned & nodded to Jalen, then back to Lerayel.

Jalen just shook his head. "It could mean many things, but not that smoke. If it was a normal fire, I would not be so worried."

"Good, I'm glad," said Lerayel as Luna came to join them. "It is magic," she said. "No other fire would give off that distinct smell. And only a handful of people know such magic. Even fewer would use it for destruction." She was walking very swiftly, but she wished they could go faster.

Makaan smiled as the desicration of the monestery was complete, and his gaggle of Thralls returned in front of him. He handed the bible to one of them and smiled. He then stripped out of his armour and belongings, giving them to the thralls a he grabbed some tatered cloth. "Leave me, take my belongings back to the camp. Use the staff to travel quickly." As the last of his thralls were out the building. He began to weave his glamour.

Makaan finsihed his spell. He looked into the blackened surface of a mirror, wiping the soot off it to get a propper look at his changed self. "Perfect. An Image of a pure angelic porportions." He spred the fake image of the white wings, running his hands through the feathers that were not there.

Jalen, worried for any survivors, had shifted to a wolf and had run ahead. He sniffed around the edge of the wreckage a moment before he caught Makaan's scent looked up, once more becoming human. He stared at the sight, unsure what to make of it. His eyes and nose were at odds about the apparition.

Siara decided to go and see Hana. She had finished practicing for the day, and now that Maakan was gone, she didn't have to worry about him bothering her.

Hana was once more outside her tent. A cauldren of brown, thin liquid bubbled merrily beside her and she sat on a crate reading a book of potions.

Siara at first was about to walk by, seign th girlr eadig. But then she asked, "What are you brewing now?"

Hana looked up and smiled. "It's an acid called 'Htaed Emarf'. It only eats bone, so you needn't worry about making it unless you have a deep cut.... I thought it could help.. Plus I had to use the rest of the Rune spore and I had some free time..." She shrugged easily.

Siara nodded. "I have something to ask of you." She said. "Suppose I know someone, and I want to..spy on them. See what they're up to. IS there anything you could make that would help me?"

Hana gave an easy laugh. It was plain to see she liked Siara. The girl had spunk. "Well of course. I have a vile of it right now if you want it. Pour it in a stone bowl and whisper the name of who you want to see. The amount I have would last... about an hour I'd think."

Siara nodded her head. "Thanks. There's someone I need to catch up on.." she murmured, trying to imagine what her sister was up to.

Hana nodded and stood, going in her tent for a moment. "I hope you're not plotting murder.. yet.. or anything. I know that's kind of our job, to rock the boat and all, but if it's Makaan.. One, I don't you should, and Two, I don't think you could. Not that I think you think of him so often you need to know where he is. I mean, anyone with half a brain can tell that. But, anyway-" She came back out and handed Siara a bottle of clear liquid about the size of a tennis ball, round with a neck. "Enjoy," she said with a smile.

"Oh no, not Maakan," replied Siara. "One day he'll get killed from his own stupidity anyway. No, this I need to find someone..someone I haven't seen in a long time." she said.

Hana smirked at her. "Family then," she said, then explained. "You don't seem the type to back track, so it can't be an old lover. And judging by your seriousness, it is most likely one of the same gender and of close relation... A cousin, or sister perhaps?" she asked, then laughed a little, lowering her eyes in apology. "I'm sorry, I don't want to pry. Enjoy it, I can make more any time you need it. Don't be afraid to ask."

"It's nothing personal," Siara replied. "I just wanted to check up on my sister; the traitor." She began to head off, eager to see what Aerion was doing.

Hana just shook her head in wonder, smiling lightly before she sat down and returned to her book.

Lerayel let Jalen go ahead, glad at least that one of them would be there on time. She caught up quickly enough, and surveyed the damage with a heavy heart. The monestary was entirely destroyed, still smoldering at the foundation. She was looking for any sign of movement- a survivor, or the perpetrater.

Luna had followed & slowly began the search as well for any furvivers, she looked with sharp eyes. She to hoped that she sould find something, her eyes alittle sad & her body alittle heavy ith sorrow for what had happened.

Makaan was about to congratulate himself on another excelent plan, until he began to random rumaging of people. That must be them. Must put on a performance. He then took a deep breathe, and turned, heading for the door of the monestry with long strides. His image of chisled perfection soon graced the outside air, reeking of magic he looked out at the three but his face was that of cold calculation. "The monsters have already left!" He shouted in a booming voice.

Jalen resisted the urge to growl and simply regarded him with a wary eye. He nodded. "Who are you?" he called to Makaan, an unsure tone to his voice.

Lerayel's head snapped up, hearing the cold voice and immediately locking onto its source. Her eyes narrowed. There was something not right about this, something dangerous. Something familiar.

Makaan looked to the faces in front of him, but he kept the stoney expresion on his face, though he purposely ignored Jalen's question. "These men have fallen at the first act of this war, an act of genocide."

Lerayel watched the man, calculating. She did not feel right about him. She did not answer him.

"Who are you?" Jalen called again, this time a more biting tone to his voice. He was not going to keep his temper long when the hair on the back of his neck was standing up.

"You must not give in to these monsters. Strike at their forces without delay and will drive them off with your show of might!" Makaan continued, he knew fine will that the Kerrigons had the experiance over these pesamists. If he could inspire false hope into their souls, he could possibly drive the war farward instead of waiting for the leader to mobalise.

"Thank you for your advice," Lerayel said neutrally. "I will consider it, and confer with my official advisor as well. It is my custom to do nothing with haste, but to take time to consider all options." By now she did not trust this at all. She still wasn't sure what magic the man was using, but it wasn't friendly, and she knew already that the Kerrigons would slaughter them in an all-out battle.

Getting truly annoyed, Jalen shifted to his wolf form, his hackles raised. He stalked across in front of Makaan, growling softly before turning and moving around Lerayel and settling at her side. He stood there, protective of her, while trying to keep from attacking the angel apparition. The scent was vaguely familiar but cloaked in thick magic. Who was this?...

"I shall tell you where they hide this instant. Where they gather their strength." He then proceeded to tell them exactly where the camp was. "Now I must go." He then turned to enter the ruins.

"Jalen..." muttered Lerayel softly, a gentle warning not to do anything without her command. She watched the man's retreating back, realizing there was something vaguely familiar. But what...?

Once he had slipped back into the ruins, he smiled, knowing that the little peice of information was very tempting in deed. His glamour soon faded when he was fully in the building, his shining eye in the middle of his forehead opening and began to peer into the twisting paths of reallity. "That went perfect."

Jalen gave another harsh growl in the direction of the ruins, his fur still standing up. What lunatic would tell the underdog how to rush into impending doom? If that had been what my eyes said, they would have told us how to become stronger. I trust my nose however, and it says that was an enemy....

"He wants us to follow," muttered Lerayel agitatedly. "This isn't right." There was a part of her, a large part, that wanted to believe the man. Wanted to believe that he would tell her how to win this. But she knew Arianova; she knew that the only magic users either belonged to the Kerrigons or the Sabrellans, or they remained hidden. None would be foolish enough to display such power. No one needed disguises in this land, no one wanted them. It would only result in chaos. This man was foolish to blazon his magic so strongly.

He is a threat to us... Jalen said, his jaws bared and his hackles raised as he stalked back and forth in front of Lerayel, watching the ruins the whole time.

Five months later...

Chris wandered through the Kerrigon camp, looking for some one, although no one in particular. He wouldn't mind seeing Hana again, to see how she had settled into Kerrigon life. He hadn't seen her for a while.

"YOU EVIL, VILE FILTH!" came Hana's angry voice from a medical tent. A fighter with a rather smug player-esk grin on his face staggered out of the tent. Hana came out after him, pointing an angry acusatory finger at him. "How dare you come in here trying to find a 'cute nurse'! I'll skin you alive and use you're blood for the Excretion Potion!"
The man just grinned at her. "You're so cute when you're angry..." he purred.
Hana nearly screamed in frustration and she gave him a glare from hell as a vile of acid was hurled at him and broke at his feet, spraying on his legs and the man ran off yelling, trying to get his burning pants off.
"And don't come back because I won't heal that!!" Hana yelled after him and stood in front of the tent, glaring after the man.

Chris shook his head, hearing the screams and smiling slightly. "ou should know better than to be so worried about women," he scolded the man as he passed. "You have much too much work to do to be incapacitated by angering a woman." He walked over to Hana. "I hope you don't do that often. We'd be out of fighters if they all have acid burns incapacitating them."

"Not all men are shallow," Hana replied, though somewhat reluctantly and her expression relaxed as she looked up at Chris. "And no, I don't do that often, though I hope that one's shins burn clear through."

"He is an idiot," Chris admitted. "Can't fight that great either. I'm not sure why we even bothered recruiting him." He shrugged. "So you're enjoying your position?"

Hana gave him a tight smile. "I'd enjoy it alot more if guys would stop hitting on me," she said in a peppy voice then let the smile fall as she looked around the camp. "But yes... It's ok as it is... Better than sitting around helping humans with arthritis and pretending there's world peace for eternity anyway..."

He nodded. "Glad you're having a good enough time. I can talk to Orchid about the whole guy thing. We can't have our warriors too concerned about that stuff."

Aerion cooed over her baby girl. She had become softer, since giving birth.

A wolf slipped into the tent opening behind Aerion and the relieved voice of the child's father came softly, "I'm so glad she looks like her mother..." The man was now standing behind Aerion, a kind expression and smile to match on his face.

Aerion turned to face him. "But she has your eyes," she said, the baby grabbing hold of one of her fingers.

Jalen just smiled and came over to them. He kissed Aerion on the forehead and then smiled down at the baby. "Hello Thera.. Such a beautiful angel..."

Aerion smiled. She loved her baby girl so much. "'s such a perfect name," she murmured.

Siara had finally gotten around to using the potion. ANd she was angry with what she saw. She screamed, knocking over something in her tent.

"She is a perfect child.." Jalen said, and finally looked up at Aerion. "Place her to rest, I wish to show you something."

Aerion nodded, placing Thera in her make-shift crib. "I love you," she whispered gently, kissing the girl's cheek.

Jalen smiled gently at their child. "Rest well, sweet one," he wispered before taking Aerion's hand and leading her out of the tent.

It had been so long since Makaan had re-entered the camp. He had been on what could only be described as a random genocide of monestaries and churches, burning what he could and taking their main tombs of information, he called this scouting, but if others found out he actually performed these atrosities then he'd have it. First thing he had done was visit his favourate superior officer Siara, standing at the enterance of her tent. "Knock knock."

"If you value your life you will leave!!" Siara growled, threatening. She was furious....and yet...she knew what she had to do. She grabbed one of her daggers, the one that Aerion would reconize most. She left the tent.

Makaan stepped aside to let her out, but he couldn't help but follow, even though he was still dressed in commoners clothing. "And who do are you looking to kill? I could do it for you maybe."

Siara turned so quickly that she was a blurr of motion. The dagger was at his neck, pressing lightly as to make him bleed. "YOu will stay here. This is a personal matter, and if you want to see your next birthday you will not follow."

He felt the poison of pain course from his neck, licking lightly at its delight. "Oh dear I wish I remembered when my birthday was." Grinning like a fool but taking a step back. "But if you don't need any help with your dirty work, don't blame me if you some how fall."

"I never fall," Siara replied bluntly, leeping off into the woods.

Jalen lead Aerion though camp with a gentle hand. He entered the woods with her and hurried as quick as he dare. It was a good distance to where he was taking her and didn't want to part with Thera for too long. At some bushes, he stopped, took Aerion into his arms for she would not make the jump and jumped over the bushes. There was a small cliff on the other side. Too steep to walk down and too far for a mortal to jump from. They landed on the opposite side of a creek that ran against the small dive and when Jalen released her, it was to step back and allow her to see a sunny meadow, lightly blown by the breeze, and nearly covered with fragrant flowers that were sharp in his own nose but he knew it would be pleasant to her. He turned back to her with a proud smile, but unsure eyes. "Do you like it??" he asked.

Aerion threw her arms around his neck. "I love it," she replied.

Siara waited form a distance, waiting for them to leave. As soon as they had, she sneaked into the tent, and instantly saw the child. It was cooing, sucking on its fingers. "You had no right to be born," she whispered, raising the dagger aobe her head.

The child cried out, as if knowing the danger. Then, it was all over.

Siara let the tent, some blood splatter on her clothes. But she didn't care.

Jalen smiled happily and hugged her back. "This is where we'll settle. When the war is over.. Me, you, and Thera. We can stay here, safe from everything..." He promised. "But for now, we should get back." He looked at her to see if she agreed.

Aerion nodded. "That's a good idea," She said. It was then that she felt it mother's intuition. She flt as if something wasn't quiet right. "We..we should hurry," she said.

Jalen nodded and put one hand behind Aerion's back and the other behind her knees so he could just carry her. He used a couple of boulders along the short cliff, but made it back relatively easily and hurriedly headed back to camp. As he neared, he smelled blood and sped up. No.. he prayed and went directly to Aerion's tent and set her down to proceed him.

Aerion's hand shook as she pushed back the curtain. And she froze. Her eyes widdened. First seeing the dagger then the blood. "NO!" She screamed, running forward to her child. Siara.Siara.SIARA! her mind screamed and she began to sob. "Thera.." she moaned.

Jalen darted inside after her and wimpered slightly as the scent of fresh blood filled his nose. When he opened his eyes again, he saw their child. Emidiately his mind went blank and he growled so low it was almost an internal roar. His eyes slit and he stared at the reckage as his nose carefully searched for a separate scent, but he could get nothing. "No!" he snarled, his claws coming out. "Someone's life is mine..." His voice was dark and rumbling, laced with danger and promises of harm.

Aerion sank to her knees, and placed her face in her hands. She rocked back in forth. She seemed to be having some sort of a mental breakdown.

Makaan had taken this time to get himself back into his armour and robes, the thought of wearing the clothes of a commoner was slowly discusting him. Once he had dressed, he stepped back out into the air, smiling from under his helm. "Nothing quite being back, and with plenty of religious lore to go through, my master will be most pleased."

Siara smiled almost evily as she came back to the camp.

Makaan had kept an eye on the sky, looking for any obvious paterns that his master sent in the winds, but nothing. Once he had actually paid attention to the camp, he smiled when he saw the malious intent in Siara's eyes. "Been out killing? Should have brought me along it would have been most enjoyable."

Lerayel heard the infant's cry, but she paid it little mind. Until she heard a scream. She dropped everything, running from her tent and toward Aerion's, where the scream had emitted. It sounded like a name.... On the way she heard Jalen's vicious growl. This was bad. She arrived at the tent, and didn't even ask permission to enter. She just went in, taking in the scene. It terrified her to see Jalen like this, and she had never known Aerion to show emotion of any kind. She went to the child, hoping to heal it, but it was too late. It was gone. She slowly turned to the parents, the sorrow showing in her eyes, no words to be had.

"They. Are. Mine," Jalen growled out slowly, his voice tight with fury as his acidic slitted yellow-brown eyes came up to meet Lera's. They held the promise of absolute agony for the killer.

Lerayel shook her head. She knew who was responsible for this, or at least where they could be found. She also knew that there was no way Jalen could enter the Kerrigon camp alone and emerge again alive. There were too many warriors, too many bloodthirsty barbarians ready to kill, and he was too well-known to them. "Jalen," she said quietly, but with a hint of a warning.

"I don't care!" Jalen snarled angrily, but it was obvious his fury was not directed at Lera. "The guilty will not go unmarred! I will do things to them that the Devil himself banned from Hell! I promise them nothing but a wish for death for the rest of their days, a wish I will not fulfill! They will suffer one day for every day our child will not see!"

"Jalen!" said Lerayel again, more firmly. "Your revenge will be made, without doubt, as will mine, and Loke's, and so many others'. But you cannot go about it in this way. It is a suicide mission!"

Aerion by now had wrapped herself in her arms, and was rocking back and forth, muttering to herself. "How could she do this?" SH emuttered over and over again.

"I didn't plan on wiping out the whole army, just the person responsible for this..." Jalen growled angrily, then heard Aerion and he looked at her. Though his features didn't change, his voice was normal when he spoke. "Who? Who did this Aerion?"

"Who else would be low enough to do this!?" Aerion shrieked, her figures becoming angry now. "She couldn't ever have children of her own. She tried and tried but she could never concieve. And now that her little sister has had a child?...Too much.." Aerion become quiet, biting her lower lip as she trmebled. "Siara did this. older sister."

"If you enter their camp, you will not be able to leave again without every single one of them attacking you," Lerayel said firmly. At least he seemed to be calming down. Then Aerion spoke again. Lerayel met her eyes as the words sunk in. She could not say anything. Nothing would help the hurt this woman must be feeling right now. Her child dead, at the hands of her own sister. It was unheard of- except no violence was unheard of when it came to the Kerrigons.

Jalen growled so ferociously it was bordering a roar. He swept out of the tent and sniffed the air, trying to catch Siara's scent. When he found it but couldn't follow it he growled in frustration and howled before shifting quickly and darting off into the woods, his heart broken howl echoing among the trees, promising it murder to any who dare cross his path.

Aerion's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she passed out, falling to the side, form the dtress of the matter.

Lerayel put Aerion on the bed, making sure she was comfortable, before slipping out of the tent, grabbing a random horse, mounting and riding after him. She had to stop him; only she knew the impending results of whatever fight he would pick. It didn't take long for her to catch up, but she stayed behind him.

I am not a prey to be stalked, Lerayel... Jalen's voice rumbled in her head, feral as he let his wolf instincts take over to cover his hurt. He was a demon right now, though he had yet to do anything evil. He half pounced ahead and pulled almost a half circle, turned with his side to her as he looked at her with dialated wolf eyes, hackles raised and claws sharp. His body stood tense and he trembled slightly with growls, but he wouldn't hurt her, they both knew it. He was only furious.

Lerayel dismounted as he turned. "I know," she replied aloud. "Please, Jalen. You must obey me. You have never done anything else. I understand...." No, she didn't understand. She had never had a child, never lost a child. She couldn't understand something like that. She looked down, unsure what to say.

He stalked back and forth in front of her, always keeping his eyes on her, almost as if pacing in his anger, which was what he was doing, but in his current form, he looked ready to attack as wild animals commonly do and it was so much more frightening. Thera was my first offspring... Aerion was a strong mother... MY CHILD'S ONLY OTHER FAMILY SLAUGHTERED HER! His last words were nearly a roar to her and he paused in his pacing to face her in an attack position, his body tenser than ever with anger. It trembled and the growls escaping him did not bode well.

Lerayel nodded once. "I know. There is no way to explain it. She is a Kerrigon, Jalen. It is what they do. There is no other explanation. I'm sorry. So sorry. But we cannot lose you as well."

Lie! She is a Kerrigon yes and that means she would not harm a child barely learning to walk, she would kill our best fighters! This was not a war problem, Lera, this was personal! His voice continued to snarl, having a biting quality to it and he looked ready to kill. It hissed and threatened though the woman of which he spoke was no where near. I will avenge my child's death, and if my blood must fall so that her murderer's may be on my claws, then so be it! She will not get away with this and we will not settle this in a war! Something so personal will not be avenged so impersonally...

Aerion's eyes fluttered open after a while. ANd now she did not feel grief, but anger. She stood, grabbing the daggers by her side. She would track down her sister, and kill her. Jalent hought it was his job to do, but it was not. It was between the two sisters/

On to arianova rp page 9!!!!!

Arianova rp page 7

Username (or number or email):


2006-11-17 [The Blood Angel]: cool. (Sorry Couldn't think of something else to say, but I hate one word answers :p)

2006-11-17 [Lady_Elowyn]: lol, ok. So.... now to brainstorm... I'd like to use Chris, since Lera is busy. And I don't like having Chris and Lera in the same scene. It's much too confusing.

2006-11-17 [The Blood Angel]: LoL I can understand that. I have two characters in a vampire site. though mine's is trickier. They both have the first name Jack :D

2006-11-17 [Lady_Elowyn]: yeah. that does sound just a tad bit confusing.

2006-11-17 [The Blood Angel]: Definatly!!

2006-11-17 [Artsy]: HELLO! i'm on every day peeps! (unless i'm at kenneth's.... o.o') anyway, if hana's available, then any bad guy can go talk to her if you want, same goes for jalen, just say you went to find them, and i'll say what they're doing so you know how to come in... just an offer

2006-11-19 [Akayume]: Aerion is getting bored XD she isn't one to sit in bed all day :p

2006-11-19 [Akayume]: may we have a time jump of about five months please? *puppy eyes* don't worry, we want it for a reason (so the child is five months XD)

2006-11-19 [Artsy]: we have a plan! *points to the sky in an 'ah-ha!' discovery way*

2006-11-19 [Akayume]: yes,w e do XD

2006-11-19 [The Blood Angel]: Ah plan! ARG!!! hehehe

2006-11-20 [Lady_Elowyn]: Oh phyne. We'll jump ahead. Never mind thw whole Makaan thing. Foreward we go!

2006-11-20 [Artsy]: awww, we love you lady, you're so generous *huggles lady with much luv*

2006-11-20 [Lady_Elowyn]: Ummm.... thank you?

2006-11-21 [Lady_Elowyn]: *Waits for Hana or some one to talk to Lera*

2006-11-21 [Akayume]: O.O....

2006-11-22 [Artsy]: why would hana talk to lera? they aren't on the same side... o.o''''

2006-11-22 [Akayume]: it's a miracle! aerion is showing emotion (thoght at the moment it's bad)

2006-11-22 [Artsy]: i'll wait on lady to respond there... jalen is out for blood man.... o.o''

2006-11-22 [Akayume]: tis scarry :P

siara doesn't care, she's seething.

2006-11-22 [Artsy]: siara is jalen's, he's gonna tear her to ribbons

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